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Modern természet
Nature - modern landscape

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Spiritual painting

Reggel - Morning 100cm x 100cm €1800

Modern New York painting

Párás reggel New York-ban - Humid morning in New York 58cm x 58cm €400

Modern sunset painting

Naplemente - Sunset 120cm x 80cm €1800

Abstract painting Sardinia

Szardinia - Sardinia 60cm x 45 cm €350 Kerettel - Framed

Abstract lavender painting

Levendulák Provanceban - Lavenders in Provence 70cm x 50cm €450

Abstract nature painting

Ébredés - Awakening 100cm x 40cm €550

Dombok -1 / Hills 1 80cm x 60cm €500

Dombok 2 - Hills 2 80cm x 60cm €500

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